smoked sea salt cold smoked on pit boss wood pellet grill. served in white bowl alongside carved prime rib

Smoked Sea Salt

Smoked Sea Salt

Category Extras Smoke
Servings 12
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes

It's possible to add a dash of smoky flavor to any dish when you include Smoked Sea Salt in your seasoning arsenal. This blend of bright, salty and earthy, smoky flavors is a perfect complement to the natural flavor of any protein. We recommend using a granular salt like sea salt for this recipe because the larger surface area is better for absorbing smoke. For a bolder flavor, fuel up with hickory or mesquite wood pellets, or choose a fruitwood like apple for a milder flavor.  

Pit Boss Kitchen
smoked sea salt cold smoked on pit boss wood pellet grill. served in white bowl alongside carved prime rib


  • Granular salt

Special Tools

  • Baking Sheet


  1. For cold smoking, the temperature must be 80°F or below, so we recommend using a Pit Boss smoke tube on your grill. Fill the smoke tube with your choice of pellets, light, and place on the grill.
  1. Pour the salt into a baking pan or on a piece of aluminum foil with the sides folded up to prevent the salt from spilling.
  1. The amount of smoke time depends on your flavor preference. Try cold smoking your salt for approximately 20-40 minutes, mixing every 10 to 15 minutes. For a stronger smoke flavor, you can return the salt to the smoker until it’s reached your desired flavor.
  1. Store in a sealed container until ready for use.