- Preheat your grill to 350°F. Make the rub by combining the seasonings, minced garlic, and olive oil.
- Make shallow vertical slices on both sides of the loin to allow the rack to be made into a crown shape, with the bone side of the rack facing outward.
- Bring the ends of the rack of pork together to form the crown shape. Using butcher's twine, tie the crown roast around the bottom to hold it in form.
- Using your hands, coat all the outer surfaces of the meat with the prepared rub.
- Cover the frenched bones with foil to prevent them from getting too dark in color.
- Place the crown roast on a lined baking rack and place the tray on grill grates. Grill until the internal temperature reaches 145°F in the deepest part of the center of the crown.
- Meanwhile, prepare the Raspberry BBQ sauce by combining ketchup, raspberry jam, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, and honey in a bowl and mixing well.
- Baste the roast with Raspberry BBQ sauce for the last 10 minutes of grilling, allowing the sauce to settle.
- Remove from the grill and allow the roast to rest for 20 minutes before slicing.
- Enjoy!