- To make the homemade injection, heat chicken broth to 130°F in a saucepot on the stove.
- Add chopped herbs and BBQ rub and stir until rub is dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature.
- Strain broth with a mesh strainer or cheesecloth. The injection is ready to use once it reaches room temperature and solids are removed. Pour injection into a marinade injector/syringe.
- Preheat pellet grill or smoker to 350°F.
- Remove the back bone, ribs, and excess skin from the turkey using kitchen scissors. Then, remove the wishbone with a boning knife. Watch our Fully Loaded YouTube video for tips.
- Pat the turkey dry with paper towels. Inject each breast with broth evenly in multiple areas. Each breast should retain 6-8 oz. of injection.
- Baste the outside of the turkey with oil and season with more BBQ rub.
- Place turkey on grill and insert temperature probe in the thickest part of the breast, about 1 inch away from touching the breastbone.
- Cook until it reaches an internal temperature of 155°F, then remove from the grill and allow to rest for a half hour before carving.